Bible Based Teaching

Dayspring Kidz' receive age appropriate Bible lessons that are presented in a way that is fun, memorable, and enables your child to learn.

Designed for parents & kids

The children’s classes meet at the same time as the adult service. So while you are listening to the teaching, your children are learning about God.


We work hard to provide a safe, fun place for you children. That is why we have a check-in system and always have a supervisor on duty.

ABOUT Dayspring Kidz      

Dayspring Kidz purpose is for every kid to fall in love with Jesus! We aim to do this by partnering with parents to disciple 1 kid at a time through a Bible based and fun-centered environment! 

On Sundays, we want your children to have an amazing time in a welcoming and safe environment while you attend our service. We encourage participation through Bible bucks (a prize center) and engaging teaching. 

Age Groups                              

Group 1: 0-2

Group 2: 3-5

Group 3: 6-8

Group 4: 9-11


Below is a tool to help you disciple your kids at home and reinforce what they are already learning on Sundays. Simply spend a few minutes a day or replace some screen time with the recommended videos & activities! 

We pray your family will be blessed!


    Samuel was a man who heard from God since he was a child! He was a prophet who obeyed and shared God's message with others. The story of Samuel teaches us to listen, obey, and trust God!

  • RUTH

    Ruth was a noble woman who demonstrated great kindness to her mother-in-law Naomi and decided to embrace the Israelite God! The story of Ruth teaches us to remain steadfast when life is difficult.


    Samson had great physical strength, but a weak character. The story of Samson teaches us not to rely on our own personal strength but in God's power and that godliness is better than physical training!


    Joshua was a humble and strong leader who led the Israelites into the promised land! This story teaches us to not fear when we face challenging situations but instead to be strong and courageous and trust God for our victory!

  • MOSES - PART 2

    Moses was a humble servant who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. The story of Moses teaches us to depend and trust God for all of our needs - just like the Israelites had to trust him while they were wandering in the desert! 

  • List Item

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.


Royal Rangers

What is Royal Rangers?

Royal Rangers is a ministry that motivates boys spiritually through Bible study, memorization, devotionals and Christian role models. The leaders, called commanders, provide boys the necessary direction during a weekly outpost meeting. The meetings are designed to develop the total body for Christ and offer love and understanding between the boy and a Godly role model. The life of a Royal ranger includes greta outdoor adventures through camping, hiking, archery, marksmanship, leather craft, woodworking as weak as challenging indoor adventures such as learning first aid and cooking. There will be opportunities year-round to attend tremendous camping events at the outpost and sectional levels.

When do we meet?

We meet Wednesdays at 7:00PM while Life Groups are going on, at our Mission Hills Campus.

Would you like to get involved?

If you have any questions please feel free to contact commander Rudy Leon (818) 642-7839.


Below are some ways to help and get involved: 

  • If you have a heart for children, then Dayspring Kidz is the place for you! Our team members only volunteer once a month for 1 hour. 

  • Our kids classes and special events require a lot of materials. If you are able to, any donations would greatly help!

  • We would love to keep you informed of what is going on through text alerts. We will not spam you.